4th Annual Boreal Bird-A-Thon
Join us May 12 – June 23, 2017, for a state wide birding extravaganza!
Compete to find the greatest number of bird species seen in Alaska and win the coveted Bird-A-Thon trophy! Raise important funds for the Alaska Songbird Institute’s research and education programs. Ask your friends, co-workers, family members, or local businesses to sponsor you in your quest!
There are three way to participate!
Individuals: Bird anytime in a 24 hour period, between May 12-June 23, anywhere in Alaska. Drive, fly, walk, paddle, or ride your bike as you race against other birders in the state.
Teams: Bird anytime in a 24 hour period, between May 12-June 23 with your group of friends, family, or co-workers anytime, anywhere in Alaska. Compete against other teams and individuals for the most species seen and most money raised. At least ¾ of the members of your team must see or hear the bird to count it.
Sponsor: Sponsor a team, individual or the event itself with a tax-deductible donation!
Forms and Instructions: All the information you need to complete your Bird-A-Thon. Download the species checklist, report form, pledge tracking sheet, sample ‘ask’ letter, and instructions.Bird-A-Thon Packet 2017
When you are done: Please mail the completed packet to Alaska Songbird Institute, P.O. Box 80235, Fairbanks, AK 99708 by June 30th.
Prizes: Will go to the person or person who raises the most money, to the individual whose seen the most species, and to the team that has seen the most species. To be eligible for prizes, completed packets must be postmarked no later than June 30. Winners will be contacted.